We decided to use black bars over our footage, this was to make the aspect ratio of the video more cinematic "widescreen" style. The reasoning behind this, is tied into the research we did on our chosen genre; linking back to how bastille uses a very cinematic style for their videos and plots, something tied into their fanbases culture. Cult classic films are referenced and this is not uncommon with indie bands, as many of their fans, are often parts of many indie type fanbases that thrive off of unique interests with exclusivity. We wanted to use this to our own effect, as we said before how we want to appeal to our indie genre by creating exclusivity within our project, making the video and digipack almost an extras experience to the song itself. With the video being cinematic style, it adds to our exclusivity, and of the video being a extra story/ narrative to what the song may tell in the audiences head when they listen to it. Giving extra, or contrasted meaning to the lyrics.
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