// Font Research 1 //
After Choosing our name for our band, the next objective in terms of creating our artists identity was to come up with the iconic font/logo to represent our band. This was following on from the research we did on how existing bands like the fray/Bastille use their iconic logo/font as almost a trademark for their brand that fans can easily recognise.
Starting with our name "neon island" we liked the idea of using the parts of the name literally; using neon illumination for the font and logo , and also flowy old school font like used in actual neon signs. We want to combine this with possibly a simple palm tree / Island logo to complete the look. The name is almost an oxymoron, as island suggests isolation and a desolate paradise , free from the lights and bustle of a city. Whereas neon could refer to the 24/7 illumination found in large populated cities, completely the opposite of an island. This idea fits the indie genre ideal of being ironic/different in an almost "in your face" way.
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