Song Choice // And Why //

After countless arguments, tantrums, and much deliberation. We finally came together as a group and agreed on a song . At first we had been looking at "Rome" By Phoenix, we liked the sound behind it, and also the song allowed for lots of opportunity with he narrative. However our only problem would be that the song would require a band performance, due to the nature of the artist, and the indie/rock band conventions, of performance in the videos. We were open to this idea, however also we wanted to avoid it if possible as it would be very difficult to arrange a band/ performance shots.

We looked at an artist suggested by a group member, called "Sticky Fingers" and the song in question is "these girls". When we listened to the song we took to the sound, as it lends itself perfectly to the genre, as well as having a good tempo to explore a narrative without the footage looking out of place. We also liked the fact that the artist identity is a single person, so there is no need to include a whole band for the performance element. The lyrics also hand themselves to a narrative, that we could explore as a base, but we mainly intend to do something unexpected and confusing, to follow suit with other videos in the genre. 

 After Deciding that these two songs were what we had to decide between, we finalised our decision by drawing up a comparison on the whiteboard to see the length of ideas we each had for the songs, and keep note of any brainstorming we had done.

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